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  • artworks on paper

    COMING SOON | 19 November 2022

    We are pleased to announce the launch of the new Online Shop – Nuova Galleria Morone ARTWORKS ON PAPER.

    Born from the desire to narrow down the distances between artists and the emerging generation of collectors, we chose to collect works with the most intimate medium: paper. The featured artists will offer a unique and personal interpretation of their artistic research.In this historical moment, artists had the need to narrate their artistic will in a more intimate and collected expression. Nuova Galleria Morone – artworks on paper was born from the necessity to move closer the audience to a more profound and confidential narration of art. In the era of digital platforms, where everything seems detached and long-distance, the recovery of traditional artistic tools might bring back the warmth and the humanity that seem lost. Pencil and paper can communicate, even with the youngest rank of collectors, by releasing traditions through a more intimate way of expression.