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In contemporary art, artists get authentic positions or points of view to face the real world. Without these different perspectives, the world would essentially be a huge collective void, because in some way the artist is indispensable to repropose what does not exist in the world- society that surrounds us.
In this context the artist Eltjon Valle presents his personal exhibition “The subjectivity of the remake” at the NUOVA GALLERIA MORONE – MILANO, with a cycle of authentic works in sculpture and mixmedia painting. The artist’s works are parallel to the real world, trying to re- establish a non-existent object, in order to infiltrate deeply into the subjective consciousness of matter that we do not know deeply.
The artist recreates matter in conceptual forms as a penetration into the essence of transformation, giving a totally imaginary identity with a strong sense of reflection. Recycled materials such as titanium, aluminum, iron, zinc, petroleum or various chemical compounds are his new world, a world of space objects that react with each other as a conflict of coexistence.
A subject that the artist tries to recreate with his hands, as a reaction action, to travel as a chemical agent or as a chemical disruptiver, to revive new linguistic essences of an epoch- making landscape.
Eltjon Valle is part of the new generation of conceptual artists from Albania, born in 1984 in Kucova, one of the most polluted areas of oil wells, where the landscape resembles an apocalyptic scene with special effects of Hollywood Movies.
Surreal and shocking is this decoration-landscape with which he identified the essence of his works using materials taken from this area contaminated by human egoism.
Crude black petroleum, is one of the elements that he often used for his installations in various forms, using the cracked Kucova’s land as a “requiem” in the memory of his personal past.
Art always reacts as a social collector as a reflection of human nature and for this reason, in front of the work of Eltjon Valle, one can perceive its transversal act:

… dissolving to recreate another world without memory …

September 20th 2018
20.09 | 09.11.2018
Klod Dedja
Exhibitions, Past