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Adriano Altamira Leda


Nuova Galleria Morone presents Visti per Caso, the first solo exhibition by Adriano Altamira in the gallery’s space. The series Visti per Caso—from which the exhibition takes its name—originated between the late 1990s and the early 2000s. This photographic project developed from the chance discovery of objects and the unexpected encounter of disparate elements. The exhibition is therefore organized around a collection of small artifacts and objets trouvés, which, through photographic enlargement, acquire a new and ambiguous identity. On display, the original artifacts—sources of inspiration for the new works—are presented in small plexiglass cases alongside their enlarged photographic counterparts. The artwork thus emerges from the dialogue between the physicality of the object and its photographic reinterpretation. In the Visti per Caso series,...

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una pietra sopra


Nuova Galleria Morone presents Una pietra sopra, the first solo exhibition in the gallery spaces of Marco Cordero, accompanied by a critical text edited by Paul Ardenne. The exhibition is a deep exploration of the intersections between sculpture, text and memory. The main element of Marco Cordero's sculptures is a book, a real book, which the artist appropriates but reworks: hollowed out, burned, torn from its function as a book. In his work, the book becomes a living organism, an assemblage of materials that, through their combination, acquire a vital arrangement. In this exhibition, Marco Cordero links the fate of his books to rock, stone, and marble. This combination gives rise to surprising hybrids: books as rocks or rocks as books....

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Giovanni Blanco Alfabeto Blanco


Nuova Galleria Morone presents Alfabeto Blanco, an exhibition by Giovanni Blanco (Ragusa, 1980) curated by Gabriele Salvaterra. Dark joys for a Blanco archive. When one remains locked up in the most asphyxiated physical and mental spaces, where air does not circulate at all, it becomes vital to cling on to something, to start again with the most basic and even stupid actions in order to find a foothold thanks to which one can climb out of the well. One turns to one's own personal archive, to a private Atlas , to the collection of images that through randomness, carelessness and laziness are accumulated and set aside for years on banal photocopied media. We are in front of the practice of repetition,...

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Una giornata


Nuova Galleria Morone presents the group exhibition 'Una giornata' (One Day) curated by Roberto Lacarbonara. The exhibition is conceived from the works of eight Italian and international artists who place time, - the Bergsonian relationship between subjective experience and measure, the perception of places and actions as a function of atmospheres, sensations and personal imagination - at the centre of their sign, pictorial and photographic research. If the works emerge from a methodological practice of great rationality and preordained design principles, their aesthetics define an ephemeral, transitory, vulnerable condition, where it is the slight and nuanced variations that sample a space often devoid of representation, but densely acted upon by having spent that time, that experience. The works on display arise from processes of...

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Robert Pan

Σταλακτίτης, la vita nella materia | ROBERT PAN

Nuova Galleria Morone presents the solo exhibition of artist Robert Pan (Bolzano, 1969) entitled Σταλακτίτης, life in matter: a new cycle of unedited works, the result of the last two years of work. The Greek word σταλακτίτης, stalactite, derives from the verb σταλάζω, which means to drip, a slow and continuous precipitation, which over time gives form to this extraordinarily fascinating element with atypical conformations, which cannot be ascribed within a single aesthetic typology. Matter and layering are also protagonists in Robert Pan's works, which involve a careful and artificial analytical operation, which consists, as a first procedure, in constantly dripping layers of pigments and resins onto mesh supports, alternating the overlapping of materials, corrosion, sanding and polishing. The material thus becomes an...

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Eros Bonamini


The new season of Nuova Galleria Morone opens with the personal exhibition of Eros Bonamini (1942-2012) whose indefatigable work has been able to explore, decade after decade, the different periods and tensions stimulated by the artistic culture of his time, maintaining the total independence of his gaze from too stringent labels and definitions. Bonamini has played that 'atypical' role of the master who, never conforming or repetitive, has always vitalised his research work with a committed experimental energy, the result of his peculiar artistic and human personality. In the exhibition we witness the metamorphosis of the elements employed through cycles of works ranging from the delicate Cement Stesure, in which the sign emerges or sinks with delicate physicality, to the more...

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Nuova Galleria Morone presents the bi-personal exhibition by Andrighetto (Treviso, 1979) and Ferri (Tarquinia, 1968) and entitled Strutturazione e Ristrutturazione, curated by Marcello Carriero. The exhibition does not stand as a simple dialogue between the two artists but rather as a movement of one toward the other and vice versa. Through a selection of representative works, this exhibition proposes an investigation of two contiguous concepts, Structuring and Renovation, with which we do not intend to investigate the theme of recovery or restoration rather than to draw up an estimate of damage. Renovation, in fact, always occurs because of the recognition of a crisis. On the other hand, structuring sees a sustain in the contribution of the parts to a uniform whole. These...

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Maria Lai


Nuova Galleria Morone in collaboration with Archivio and Fondazione Maria Lai, presents the solo exhibition of Maria Lai (1919-2013) entitled Sul filo dell'infinito, accompanied by a text by Gabi Scardi. The exhibition is a tribute to the artist on the occasion of the decennial of her first exhibition at the Gallery and to commemorate the tenth anniversary of her death. Through a selection of representative works, Sul filo dell'infinito proposes an anthropological investigation through the narration of the enchanted and mythological world of Maria Lai, starting from the legendary figures of the Janas, ancient divinities who, according to Sardinian tradition, spent their time weaving. This action, the focus of the artist's work, becomes the subject of a solitary meditation, an intimate...

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Nuova Galleria Morone is pleased to present The Dissolution of Power solo exhibition by Albanian artist Eltjon Valle curated by Klod Dedja. The cycle of works on display recalls the events experienced by the artist during his childhood in post-communist Albania after the 1990s. He spent his early years in Kuçova in front of an apocalyptic landscape where oil wells seem to be decaying conductors on the grey surface of the ground polluted by black matter. The title of the exhibition, taking its inspiration from these events, proposes an investigation into the theme of dissolution, understood as the distribution and displacement of fragments that are transported by the artist to a place other than their place of origin. In this sense, the artist...

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Nuova Galleria Morone is pleased to present the exhibition Tre sguardi in macchina curated by Elisabetta Longari, featuring the works of Adriano Altamira, Ugo La Pietra and Franco Vaccari. Three artists who intersect their linguistic investigations and personal experiences in the early 1970s, with different sensitivities and interests but with many points of contact including, of course, the use of photography. Having direct access to the archives of Altamira and La Pietra, the exhibition releases the linguistic laboratory flavour of those years. The works by Adriano Altamira, selected together with the artist, focus on the attention with which the author decodes the images of mass communication according to a Warburgian criterion. Ugo La Pietra's works, selected directly with him, all focus on the search...

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