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ALFABETA | Andrea Bianconi

Nuova Galleria Morone presents αlfaβeta in the space of the project room. The title of the project refers to the articulated world of signs, words and images in the artist's research. This exhibition includes drawings, objects and a large-scale site-specific wall installation. The directional concept of the human path takes place, through the game of arrows in the wall drawing, the speed and the desire to give an image to the language. Bianconi expresses himself through different languages and media, in a whirlwind of "signals" obsessively repeated, which create a journey in the recesses of languages, a “Fantastic Planet”. αlfaβeta revolves around the progression of language. By speaking and repeating words, the artist attempts to explain the meaning of this “Fantastic Planet”....

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ARGAN39 | Mitra Azar

In the space of the Project Room, The Nuova Galleria Morone presents ARGAN39, the first installative version of a long-term project that the artist Mitra Azar has undertaken about the mining history of an area of Sardinia, as seen through his family photographic archive and the places where the images that compose the archive have been taken. The installation project combines the artist's passion for the heretical practice of the archive with the photographic work of his grandfather and great-grandfather, the photographers who document the explosion of the mining industry in the Sulcis Iglesiente, in the South-West of Sardinia, from the end of 1800 to the end of fascism and beyond - at that time one of the most important industrial...

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Kikki Ghezzi

CHI | Kikki Ghezzi

Nuova Galleria Morone presents in its Project Room, CHI, an exhibit by artist Kikki Ghezzi curated by Sara Fontana. The title Chi stems from the Cornish word for house:“Chi”, a theme quite familiar in Ghezzi’s poetics. In particular, Chi is connected to Cape Cornwall, where Kikki has been artist in residence during the month of August 2015. There, the artist chose to physically take care of an abandoned house, used in the past by miners as a deposit for explosives, wrapping it in blue fish net and fish rope. Kikki worked according to the tide clock and, as a true “mother bird”, she came back each day to repair her fragile nest. The artist has documented her experience in an intimate...

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Silvia Celeste Calcagno

IF (BUT I CAN EXPLAIN) | Silvia Celeste Calcagno

Nuova Galleria Morone presents the project room “IF (but I can explain)”, a solo show by Silvia Celeste Calcagno, which presents in a slightly reduced form the site-specific project curated by Alessandra Gagliano Candela, exhibited between January and March 2017 in the Project Room of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Villa Croce in Genoa. From the lure of the threshold emerges IF. It was precisely on that threshold, evoked by Yves Bonnefoy in his poem titled The lure of the threshold 1, that the project came into being. Silvia Celeste Calcagno captures a situation of suspension in a work that is closely linked to her existential experience, disassembling the compact structure of her installations into a diffuse form, expanding into...

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IL RETRO DEL CUORE | Drunkenrabbit

Nuova Galleria Morone presents, in the Project Room, “Il Retro del Cuore”, personal show of Drunkenrabbit. “Il Retro del Cuore” is an emotional path through threads, seen as blood vessels that lead to the beeting heart of each of us. The cornerstone of any question: honor the time, the memories, and the wonderful weakness that makes us human being. The entire path of the exhibition is tied to the thread. The thread as a link through time and space. The thread that articulate duration and quantity as a clock (as in the titles of the hearts 9,5 mt d'amore, 2 mt d’amore…). With these works, the artist analyses various aspects of everyday life. A repetitive gesture that take away the mind from daily...

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Patrizia Novello

GEOGRAFIA | Patrizia Novello

Italo Calvino said that the “geographic map even if static, implies an idea of narration, because it is conceived as a route”. Patrizia Novello’s GEOGRAFIA includes the same idea of narration. Her geographic atlas - her map of places removed from sight and transposed in the logic of the sight - implies writing a diary of the journey which, not by chance, spreads on the serried sequence of the algebraic illustrated cards. For each landscape, a stage. For each stage, the scanning of a horizon made up of a defined symbolic system of coordinates: longitudes and latitudes of the mind, nonexistent lines cast by the eyes within the nature, parallels and meridians that are drawn between surfaces and which punctuate...

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Marco Grimaldi


This new corpus is composed of works, mostly of small size, articulated in a sort of constellation of lights and forms. Each work is a note from the artist, a never ending landing, an end that leads to a new beginning. “Satelliti in Attesa” stems from the remains of an others serie, the “Diari”, a group of almost 300 drawings that the artist developed during the last two years. In both projects, forms and signs emerged daily and spontaneously, as preexisting pictures in the artist's mind, that needed a physical expression. Almost a physical necessity of expression, that the artist stills by the daily artistic gesture. A secret and intimate alphabet, that can only be recognize and translate from the artist expression...

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